If you live in NC here's how you request an absentee ballot form. Please do this we all must.
If you live in Maine here's how you can get an absentee ballot
If you live in RI here's how you can get an absentee ballot
If you live in Vermont here's how you can get an absentee ballot
If you live in NY here's how you can get an absentee ballot
If you live in NJ here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://www.state.nj.us/state/elections/vote-by-mail.shtml
If you live in Delaware here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://elections.delaware.gov/voter/absenteeballot.shtml
If you live in Maryland here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://elections.maryland.gov/voting/absentee.html
If you live in W. Virginia here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://sos.wv.gov/elections/Pages/AbsenteeVotingInformation.aspx
If you live in Virginia here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://www.elections.virginia.gov/casting-a-ballot/absentee-voting/
If you live in A. Carolina here's how to get an absentee ballot https://www.scvotes.org/absentee-voting 
If you live in Ga here's how to get an absentee ballot
If you live in FL here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/for-voters/voting/vote-by-mail/
If you live in Alabama here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/voter/absentee-voting
If you live in Arkansas here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://www.sos.arkansas.gov/elections/voter-information/absentee-voting
If you live in La here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://www.sos.la.gov/ElectionsAndVoting/Vote/VoteByMail/Pages/default.aspx
If you live in Michigan here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1633_8716_8728-21037--,00.html
If you live in Ohio here's how you can get your absentee ballot https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/absentee-voting/
If you live in Kentucky here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://elect.ky.gov/Voters/Pages/Absentee-Voting.aspx
If you live in Tenn here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://sos.tn.gov/products/elections/absentee-voting
If you live in Indiana here's how you can get a absentee ballot https://www.in.gov/sos/elections/2402.htm
If you live in Illinois here's how to get an absentee ballot
If you live in Wisconsin here's how to get an absentee ballot https://myvote.wi.gov/en-US/VoteAbsentee
If you live in Iowa this is how to get a absentee ballot https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/electioninfo/absenteeinfo.html
If you live in Missouri this is how you can get an absentee ballot https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/goVoteMissouri/howtovote#Absentee
If you live in North Dakota this is how to get an absentee ballot https://vip.sos.nd.gov/PortalListDetails.aspx?ptlhPKID=51&ptlPKID=7
If you live in South Dakota this is how you can get an absentee ballot https://sdsos.gov/elections-voting/voting/absentee-voting.aspx
If you live in Kansas this is how you can get an absentee ballot https://sos.kansas.gov/elections/registration-voting/
If you live in OK here's how you can get an absentee ballot https://www.ok.gov/elections/Voter_Info/Absentee_Voting/
If you live in Texas this is how to get an absentee ballot https://www.sos.texas.gov/elections/voter/reqabbm.shtml
If you live in Montana here's how to get an absentee ballot https://sosmt.gov/elections/absentee/
If you live in Wyoming this is how to get an absentee ballot https://soswy.state.wy.us/Elections/AbsenteeVoting.aspx
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