I'm very bored and h*gh so like this tweet and I'll say something about. Literally anything. Could even be just one word or one sentence.
My brain is weird now
@syameeqa your addiction to kpop scares me. Also I'd be so trippy if you had turquoise eyes
@redrumreh your style hella weird but I love it. Edgy goth on point. You should use that VHS filters for videos, really cool aesthetics
@rau_brijesh dei idk whether wanna laugh at your tweets or nah
@goyangkepalane you're perfect and I love you. Sambrani ain't meant to be used how you do boo
@playboimia you funny dawg
@retrogandhi ligat na nee verre level ligat
@krishnaroshen dei we barely ever have sober conversations
@DharshnN restaurant owner who can like make the food look damn good cause camera skills
@ashrvini do a TedTalk. Idk why but just do it. Trust me
@denzzyl Akatsuki but like trap version. Only G shit
@jshvnry pass me that crack you smoking pls. Looks like good stuff
@roshaannnn pundei slack. Funny boi but fuck your videos
@abigailskyyy_ your father's name Sky ah?
@s_surianath drunken monkey style macha
@tanushaalow you're more monotone than me it's scary sometimes. Why you stare at me and talk wanna fight bruh? Square up
@danishhh98 brother from another mummy and your game damn interesting
@dashvinakaur kajang don. Nobody can touch attai
@Y0UNGD1LEMMA what if you became a boxer. That'd be interesting
@rayven_777 illest in the game. High or not, I know wassup
@vijay_isaac you can definitely bench me
@huvinesh1 either lung cancer or your stupidity will kill you but either way confirm damn funny
@drunkboulevard you being sleepy is damn confusing and funny
@intrend69 boujee rempit type beat
@rasshmeee if you were a dude I'd punch you
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