Waiting Kills: #COVID19

Many states had foolish resistance to "Stay-at-Home" orders. These could have been enacted early, with proper leadership and direction. With community spread, it was inevitable.

Each governor had a preview of what was coming.


Source: JHU Github
What's the importance of this?

Death rates significantly lag our actions. Death typically occurs 7-20 days after infection, so any action we take today has effects ~2 weeks from now.

So in our graph, for example, Georgia put in a stay at home order on April 3.

Georgia's incompetent governor, @BrianKempGA , could see what was happening early in Washington. In New York. Case rates were booming.

Source: @ajc

On JANUARY 31!! The CDC was warning about asymptomatic transmission of COVID.

Dr. Fauci: “there’s no doubt [...] that asymptomatic transmission is occurring.”

Yet on April 3, this buffoon of a leader, claimed that learning of asymptomatic transmission "was a gamechanger"

A stay home order came April 3, but he's still messing up. His order permits the beaches to stay open (!) and non-essential businesses are still open.

The map of COVID is clear: keep distance, wash hands, don't touch your face, and STAY HOME.

Politicians' ignorance can kill.
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