tw: sexual assault

here's a "question thread" in honour of sexual assault awareness month

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"men who commit rape are probably responding to a lot of stress in their lives, and raping helps to reduce that stress."
"most of the men who rape have stronger sexual urges than other men"
"when women act like they are too good for men, most men probably think about raping the woman to put them in their place"
"most of the time, the only reason a man commits rape is because he was sexually assaulted as a child"
"if a woman goes to the home of a man on the first date, she probably wants to have sex with him"
"often a woman reports rape long after the fact because she gets mad at the man she had sex with and is trying to get back at him"
"since prostitutes sell their bodies for sexual purposes anyway, it is not as bad if someone forces them into sex"
"women often falsely accuse men of rape"
"if a woman does not resist strongly to sexual advances, she is probably willing to have sex"
"if women did not sleep around so much, they would be less likely to get raped"
"a lot of women claim they were raped just because they want attention"
"if a man has had sex with a woman before, then he should be able to have sex with her any time he wants"
"a lot of times when women say 'no,' they are just playing hard to get and really mean 'yes'"
"part of a wife's duty is to satisfy her husband sexually whenever he wants it, whether or not she is in the mood"
"as long as a man does not slap or punch a woman in the process, forcing her to have sex is not as bad"
"women who get raped will eventually forget about it and move on with their lives"
"on a date, when a man spends a lot of money on a woman, the woman ought to at least give the man something in return sexually"
"i believe that if a woman lets a man kiss her and touch her sexually, she should be willing to go all the way"
"if a woman gets drunk at a party, it is really her own fault if someone takes advantage of her sexually"
"just fantasizing about forcing someone to have sex isn't all bad since no one is really being hurt"
"when women wear tight clothes, short skirts, and no bra or underwear, they are just asking for sex"
"before the police investigate a woman's claim of rape, it is a good idea to find out what she was wearing, if she had been drinking, and what kind of a person she is"
"any woman can prevent herself from being raped if she really wants to"
finally, if you've voted please indicate your gender below.
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