i am still thinking about this and the hilarity of that particular situation.
like aloof, confident second year margo and eliot taking one look at the two cute nerds who just stumbled onto campus thinking they're gonna do what they always do... seduce them, have some
fun with them, show them a good time, get them to loosen up a little and then after a month of two, when the fun is over they'll go back to being glamorous and untouchable and out of everyone's league. expect oops fuck! alice and quentin turn out to be actually tolerable
company and they accidentally really kind of start to like them. and then they come back from brakebills south and suddenly all margo and eliot's carefully cultivated plans of seducing the nerds are foiled because oh shit the nerds seduced each other? what the?
and margo and eliot are so MOPEY about it and at first they pretend it's an ego thing... but to their own embarrassment and mortification they eventually have to admit that just maaaybe they were a little more than fond of their nerds and they weren't so much seducing them
as trying to do something embarrassing like... getting to know them? except now alice and quentin are apparently in love with each other? and margo and eliot definitely did not sign up for this whole feelings bullshit but here they are and they are so PISSED and MORTIFIED by
but then alice and quentin don't work out at all? so maybe they should just? try again?
what did you do @tinybaekhyuns this is your fault for giving me ideas
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