It may be time for some more Hot Takes with Coop®.

I do not understand how people worship celebrities. They don’t even know you exist, and wouldn’t care if they did.
Feet are disgusting. All feet. People with foot fetishes should be placed in an insane asylum.
Teaching cursive in school is a waste of time.
It’s easier to be nice to someone than to be mean to them.
Joking about it is fine, but whatever type of music someone listens to is ok. Unless it’s Bro Country, which is mind numbingly stupid.
Jacking your truck up 5 feet won’t make your tiny little penis any bigger.
IPAs are trash.
Why would you call someone when a text is so much better?
Anti-vaxxers shouldn’t be allowed to procreate.
You don’t need machine guns or automatic weapons if you aren’t in the military. Take your pistol, shotgun, and single shot rifle and shut the fuck up.
This has been another edition of Hot Takes with Coop®

Be well.
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