i get that you're anxious but i'm always gonna be mentally ill. love isn't gonna make that go away.
i can also tell when people talk to me in a way that shows they're scared of my reaction.. so. just.. be upfront about that?
protip if you have a partner or a close friend that's mentally ill don't automatically treat them like they're broken. ASK how you can support them. if they don't know, OFFER them space.
if you still don't know what to do, read up on cases of that mental illness, do some research.
also; this thread is conditional of: how your mental health is, your energy, etc.
your partner's mental illness doesn't mean you're their CAREGIVER but it's nice feeling supported.
my point is, just be honest about your feelings toward your partner's mental illness. it's better to ask the "dumb" questions and learn something than it is to remain ignorant and anxious and feeling like you have to step on eggshells.
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