This is absolutely ridiculous. Election officials and experts of both parties know the real facts. /THREAD
1. Of the 6 states with the highest percentage of mail voters in 2018, ALL SIX had Republican Secretaries of State, and 3 of the states voted for President Trump in 2016, all w/ more than 64% of their ballots cast by mail. /2
2. These states, and the R and D election off’ls in them, do not see higher rates of fraud (which is extremely rare). There are many checks and balances and security measures on mail ballots, as election professionals like @secstatewa @spencerjcox @votereagan will tell you. /3
And as has been pointed out many times, President Trump himself votes by mail. He’s no different from any other voter, and he’s no more entitled to an option to cast a ballot conveniently and in safety, while protecting vs. fraud, than any of the rest of us. /4
Mail voting isn’t the solution for everyone, even in a pandemic, and many voters will still need a meaningful opportunity to vote in person safely, but we shouldn’t allow ignorance of the facts or fear of voters drive policy here. Trust the election pros (D & R) in the states.
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