I will draw flak for making this observation. So be it.

I call BS on what is clearly a global media (and other actors?) propaganda campaign, inciting caged citizens to behave as clapping seals in performance art glorification of people who *chose a career* in health care.
Oh but it makes for such emotional, inspiring telly!
Turn your brain off. Open your cage window, at the appointed time. And clap.

It's called a "lesser Black Magick" ritual. Purpose?

“to focus attention on the cause and shape and nature of the cause.”

The Nazis were masters of it.
Do you see it now?

We are all being *emotionally manipulated*. On a scale never before seen on this earth.

A comprehension of the truth of this should prompt you to ask *why* – and *who* – is so determined to deceive the whole world into behaving like 1933-1945 German citizens.
"Courage mom." 😟😥🤧
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