Hi everything! Anyone is interested to join our Rempit Culture Technology Club? Here some qualifications if you are interested to join!

• Malaysian only
• Must have motor y15 or at least basikal lajak
• Age doesn't matter man

Here are some details about our club!
° Rempit Culture Technology is a club where the members are all rempit but with style 😎
° We gonna go ride at Dataran Love Deluna at least once a week.
° The members are all handsome, you'll regret if you don't join us😎✋

Here are some details about the members!
» Johnny Suh
- 25 Years Old
- Can call him Abe Suh
- He's the master of this club
- Kinda scary
- But no worries he's fun
- Flirty~
- " Don't get up don't stand up please don't put your hand up and don't make me tell you again weng weng "
» Lee Taeyong
- 25 Years Old
- Abe Yong
- The most famous obviously
- His visual are no jokes
- His rempit skill is just *chef kiss*
- " Weng weng weng weng weng I play in the paris "
» Moon Taeil
- 26 Years Old
- Abe Moon
- The vocal king
- Muka garang
- Will take care of all the RCT members
- " Apado wengchana? "
» Nakamoto Yuta
- 25 Years Old
- Abe Naka
- His rempitness are not a joke
- Long hair is a must
- Flirty
- Kinda gay? But in a joke way don't worry
- " Baby we go wild, Rempit weng weng squad "
» Kim Doyoung
- 24 Years Old
- Abe Dodo
- The nagging king
- The rempit fashion king
- His patience are A+
- His rempitness are also A+++
- Try to mess up with him and get ready to
- " Ahhh wenggurae! "✋🥒
» Jung Jaehyun
- 23 Years Old
- Abe Jae
- The rempit prince
- Only ride using Y15
- Basikal lajak is not his level
- But Y15 asyik kena curi dengan budak flat sebelah, nak tanak kena ride guna basikal jugak
- " It's a cruel ride, I cannot lose "
» Kim Jungwoo
- 23 Years Old
- Abe Woo
- The prettiest
- Always the 2nd place in a race
- The most annoying member
- His rempit skills are also *chef kiss*
» Mark Lee
- 21 Years Old
- Abe Mork
- Always use basikal lajak warna biru
- Kadang ride guna troli
- Always lose in a race
- Everyone's babie don't bully him
- " Uhh and that's a long weng ride "
» Haechan Lee
- 20 Years Old
- Abe Hyuck
- Everyone's sunshine
- Jiwang only
- Always win in a race
- Suka curi Y15 rumah blok 85
- " This is rempit man don't forget "
Let's get it RCT! Reply to this tweet with your name, age, and your fav member from the RCT club!

Last but not least, don't forget our tagline!

You can follow @wwination.
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