I'd like to talk a little bit more about this, because God knows I am banging the drum about what a problematic book this appears to be before I've ever seen a word of it. https://twitter.com/bandherbooks/status/1247862289828646913
In case you can't click over to Goodreads, here is the review which is chef kiss perfect.
When people consume sexism, racism, homophobia, transmisogyny, misogynoir, anti semitism, or whatever else in the media they consume --- they become those things. And if we do it enough, then we fail to even SEE the ways it it full of hate.
I know that I am a victim to this. I am constantly trying to unlearn the racism I learned from a lifetime of reading books by white authors. I am constantly trying to undo my internalized sexism.
Sometimes it's subtle. This is not. This is fucking offensive.
Could be any of them that our hero works for....and not just works for, according to the blurb, he's this senator's right hand man. A TRUE BELIEVER. This is a romance "hero" by definition must be: pro-forced birth, implementing racist policies at every level of govt,
doesn't give a damn about the environment, turns a blind eye to insider trading, wants to roll back protections for all LGBTQIA+ people, is pro-gun, is stripping money from schools at every level, routinely appears on Fox News to spread lies and propaganda,
is working hard to suppress the vote in his state, and is profiteering off of a global pandemic.

And that's just the easy stuff off the top of my head.
tl;dr: this book can fuck right off.
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