I am a suspected covid 19 patient at LNJP hospital new Delhi. There are no facilities here to keep suspects and confirmed cases separately. Wards on one side, the toilets and baths are also the same for everyone.
@ndtvindia I don't need to comment on the condition of any govt hospital but a basic check of the most critical part to stop contamination is not seen in this hospital.
Patients don't wear masks while coughing, sit and eat together and what not.
@timesofindia The doctors refuse to be strict about this and even after many requests and tantrums ..I am forced to sleep with highly suspected patients who are coughing without any cover.
Over that ..The internal protocols of this newly arrived public health issue are so unclear to even doctors that for a simple chest x-ray it took them 14 hours to get it done that too standing in an empty corridor.
The testing of a sample decides patients fate here. There is no arrangement to keep the result awaited patients separate from confirmed cases.

Please help or my next post will be my suicide video.
Help me

I will die of anxiety before covid .. I need to get out of here at a safe place.
This is insanely not sanitary. Don't want to create an elite vs poor thing here but dying of nonsense is not acceptable.
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