Hello Twitter. Here's a short thread about some exciting new books due out soon. I've been having trouble concentrating and haven't been able to read as much as I'd like, but I can at least tell you about them.
(Before I start: things are a bit hard for people with books coming out now/soon, with no festivals or bookshop signings to spread the word, Am*zon not taking delivery of print books for a while, and distribution and retail hurdles, too. If you can cheerlead for an author rn, DO)
First up is THE LIAR'S DICTIONARY by Eley Williams, due out July 16 unless it's been moved. I'm so looking forward to starting this. Eley's first book, Attrib., was a collection of ridiculously inventive short stories and I LOVED it. As you can read here > https://www.ft.com/content/14b71ac2-1ddd-11e7-b7d3-163f5a7f229c
Next is COME JOIN OUR DISEASE by @byers90, which already sounds extremely prescient! His last one, Perfidious Albion, was a dark, funny and nightmarishly brilliant satire. Sam is a writer who can tell us about ourselves. This one's due out on August 6, unless it gets moved.
SISTERS is the new novel from @djdaisyjohnson. Like a lot of people, I adored her debut short story collection, Fen, and her next book, Everything Under was shortlisted for the *actual Booker*. SISTERS is due out July 2, all being well.
Given that it's social history structured around a series of walks on which people find all sorts of interesting things, photographer and beachcomber Lisa Woollett's RAG AND BONE: A FAMILY HISTORY OF WHAT WE'VE THROWN AWAY looks right up my street! It's due June 11, hopefully.
Esther Woolfson's a brilliant nature writer. Corvus: A Life with Birds came out back in 2010, and Field Notes From a Hidden City in 2014. Her new one is BETWEEN LIGHT AND STORM: HOW WE LIVE WITH OTHER SPECIES and it looks completely fascinating. It's out in September.
Also out in September is ENGLISH PASTORAL: AN INHERITANCE by @herdyshepherd1. I loved his first one, as thousands of us did, and reviewed it here: https://www.ft.com/content/1cfa863c-df65-11e4-a6c4-00144feab7de. I have absolutely no doubt the new one will be wonderful, too. No jacket yet.
That's it for now. Hopefully at some point my concentration will return and I can make proper inroads into my #bookpost. In the meantime, do continue to buy books! Phone your local indie bookshop and ask if they can post out orders. In fact, they don't even have to be local! 📚
You can follow @M_Z_Harrison.
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