Given the rough time the Navy has had over the past week, I thought I’d give everyone a bit of a break and present you with Dunning Kruger: Naval Combat Edition.
Oh. With nukes. *Is that all?*
As we all know, civilians no longer use the ocean for any kind of transportation. They just fly all their manufactured goods everywhere.
1) Yes, if you lob a city-killing ICBM at a ship it is likely going to make it past those ships terminal defenses. But, and bear with me here, you probably have other missions for those, and the engagement envelopes aren’t as flexible.

2) He has heard of SM-6, right?
I love to poke holes in the Navy’s rhetoric about its place in the world (tHe OnLy SeRvIcE mAnDaTeD bY tHe CoNsTiTuTiOn), but this is delusional.

When the US stupidly disbanded most of the US Army, it still kept a Navy.
Counterpoint: the Army still uses *wheels*
1) Mitchell rigged the test and then lied about the results; and
2) Service Academies tend to try to avoid naming things after guys who shoot their wives.
“Carriers use *STEAM* still!

What’s that? Nuclear power? Ah! Well, nonetheless...”
Ah yes, the main gun of a destroyer is the *exact* type of weapon, shell, and fuze as the Sherman Easy 8. Literally no difference.

I’d hasten to point out that up until a few years ago, and when this article was written, the Army used 155mm shells designed in the 30s.
Ranges and latency. How do those work?
Okay. I’ll stop now. This is just getting sad.

Who do you think he voted for in 2016?
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