Reports in the media today that Chancellor will announce a package for #charities later today - not before time. Some thoughts on what support government might want to prioritise in areas and different phases of the crisis…1/6
First phase could support major charities that are crucial now and at risk (eg health, hospices, domestic abuse). They need support keep active to fight the crisis now. Gov. will recognise the country will be a lot worse if they go down and can fund them directly. 2/6
Second, local community charities are key to the response now and in future. They are more financially vulnerable than the majors and will need some kind of package, likely delivered through community foundations and councils or in collaboration with bigger charities. 3/6
Third, charities society wants to still be there when we get through this. Government should recognise the health problems of today will at some point be eclipsed by social problems around employment etc. These charities need enough support that they don't close... 4/6
… even if they are severely reduced over the next 6 months or so. Determining which charities get support in this phase and how to distribute funds will not be easy. 5/6
And of course the sector is much broader than charities directly, or even tangentially tackling the crisis. We don’t want to see any charities struggling but government may find it hard to prioritise them over organisations and initiatives which address the current situation 6/6
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