I've taken some flak for my distrust of Dr Fauci. Let me be clear I trust President Trump and see him defer to Fauci a lot. I think this is because when the smoke clears and we will see how people with vested interests peddled a lot of fear, along with some actual truth.
And let me clarify further. I think the strong measures we took were fantastic moves by the President; it saved countless lives. I'm glad we acted with an abundance of caution. But I am also very very concerned about my brothers and sisters out there, who are financially dying.
And when the virus has burned out, and people have gotten back to their lives and jobs, I think there is going to be a gigantic amount of blame-storming, as in epic finger pointing. The doom and gloomers will say we didn't do enough. The economic folks will say we overreacted.
We are already seeing the "millions are going to die" people sharply walking back their claims https://twitter.com/marklevinshow/status/1247864047338389504?s=19
And we will see them respond shortly with articles saying "it's much lower because we took bold action." And that part is true.

However they will also defend their position by saying they "listened to the experts."

And therein lies the rub
Because the two main "experts" we relied on have MAJOR vested interest

The first is the World Health Organization, which is little more than a front for the Chinese Communists

The second is Univ of Washington Institute for Health Metrics, which is a sock puppet for Bill Gates
So I ask you

How long before we see the doom and gloom crowd retire from government and jump on the talk show circuit touting their new book about how they got it right? (and maybe claiming how the President dropped the ball during a crisis and it was their wisdom that saved us)
And now at the end of this long thread.

I apologize if I've offended anyone with my mistrust of Dr Fauci or other government officials

I can not know what is actually happening.

I very well could be wrong. I'm just so damn cynical these days.

If I am, I'll be the first say it
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