So, a long thread (sorry) with thoughts on the situation.
I read an article in the Grauniad last night. What a depressing piece it was, proper doomsday material about the UK being the EUR country to have most deaths, by a long way too.
So, is this scare-mongering, or is it >
a genuine attempt to deliver the "truth".
I see people saying that the "truth" is being witheld from us by the Govt, aided by the media who are helping play down the seriousness & genuine numbers of infections and deaths.
We see every day the Govt being criticised for the way >
they have handled this from the start, in terms of HI plan which soon got scrapped, to the delayed lockdown and continuing lack of further restrictions.
The general slamming of NHS funding is a long standing debate, which is a genuine complaint, but surely one best left for now >
until we get through this and can re-evaluate the circumstances and results of the worst crisis to hit us since WW2. This is not to say it is irrelevant, obviously it isn't, but just that there are more important issues right now, then blame. After all, we're not going to hold >
a GE and change Govt next week, are we.
The usual SM nonsense has continued, with extremist trolls on both sides, showing that some have no conscience whatsoever, even in times when humanity is required the most. For every great post you see, of an NHS hero, people doing kind >
things, others coming up with smart ways to help create PPE, offering material for free or just doing things to raise spirits, there are poisonous, bile spewing cretins, safe behind their keyboard, showing the worst of us.
You hope that in these times, they would have learnt >
some humility or even just some shame at what others are giving, compared to their idiocy, but seemingly not.

Life's become too easy & shallow for lots of people. So we've become complacent, believing that this virus won't harm us. We've also become selfish, so we don't think >
about the fact our actions can invisibly harm other people, be it family, friend or stranger. People have failed to grasp the basic science of virology, even though it has been explained in very simple terms. They just don't see it as being their problem, or why it should stop >
them from continuing their daily routines. When the dust has settled, many of these will have been unaffected, in health & family, so will not blink an eye at their own actions. If the damage to the economy that has been done affects them, it will be someone else's fault. These >
people are too stupid or selfish to ever learn.
Others will be impacted by the virus drastically in terms of health and family. Will they learn, or again will it be someone else's fault they couldn't follow the guidelines?
We are an impatient society, journos ask every day what >
the exit strategy is. What they're really asking is when will the shops & pubs be open, because they know that's what is hurting a lot of the country, so they want to break that good news first. They are not helping.

As with most crises, some do what is asked of them, varying >
from Healthcare professionals saving lives, to those across the NHS supporting them & employees keeping the country going in key roles. This also includes those that are trying to end the spread of disease by staying home and SD.

The Blitz was the Nazis attempt to destroy the >
RAF, vital infrastructure and weaken the morale of the country to fight. The Healthcare staff are our Spitfire pilots, those staying home are those adhering to the blackout.
I doubt many papers ran stories of how the Nazis were going to win, or slagging off Churchill. The people>
accepted the hardship, pulled together & waited until the war was won before voting for change. They must be ashamed of what they see.

Anyway, apologies for droning on, just wanted to get this off my chest.

I pray you stay safe, my SM friends & your families.
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