This virus started out in the UK as something that infected largely affluent (and lets face it white) people because they are more likely to be flying to China, skiing in France or chilling in Italy outside of holiday season. #coronavirus #COVIDー19
Many in this affluent group, often so derisory about the severity of this contagion, had the privilege of being able to work from home from early March. The rest of us with public facing or utility roles were left to “take it on the chin”.
After closing universities, schools, pubs and other services. Who was left? People who work in healthcare, food retail, public transport, public utilities, and transport services. All left behind to take on an excessive viral load for weeks. WITHOUT ADEQUATE PROTECTION!
If we had decent journalists in this country. We would know what percentage of deaths can be allocated to people in these roles. Do you really think that supermarkets would spend all that money on screens if some of their staff had not become seriously ill or worse died already?
Black and Brown people suffering excessively for any societal problem in the UK is a tale as old as time called Structural Racism. Interesting that this report outlines the critically ill by ethnicity but the outcomes of the critically ill by gender 🤔
So I’m sending out my love and prayers to the ALL people in these roles and their friends and families. I feel very privileged to be able to tweet this from my house as I’m not going to lie the last week at school was awful with kids coughing and breathing all over each other.
I’m also sending out righteous, furious anger to those that have allowed this to happen. We have some of the best scientists, engineers, creatives and technological innovators in the world. How have we produced such a pitiful, ignorant response that will cause mass suffering.
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