im bored. im gonna make a dark knights batmen thread. but first, lemme re-read
*sigh* pertama, dark multiverse dulu
dark multiverse in a nutshell, all of your bad decisions and nightmares exist in a flipped page of our multiverse, a black blank page.
or called the negative multiverse cuz each universe is followed by negative number. here, everything is crumbling, shredding, and collapsing cuz basically this multiverse shouldn’t exist at all... but the leader of the Dark Knights wanted his multiverse to keep live so-
he gathered every powerful twisted version of batman and here they are
1. The Red Death. Ini kalo problematic Batman punya kekuatan The Flash juga. well basically every batman in this team is problematic...
Bruce lost all of his bat-fam. he lost his mind and obsessed with Barry’s speed force. he wanted to bring back all of the things he lost. Bruce and Barry had a fight, Bruce used all of The Rogue’s weapons to fought Barry and he did beat barry and chained him on his batmobile
dia maksa buka speed force yg akhirnya bikin bruce sama barry ngelebur jadi satu dan akhirnya terciptalah Red Death. disini dia punya semacam dua kesadaran yaitu bruce sama barry, tapi yg lebih dominan si Bruce. his power basically sama kaya The Flash, but when he run-
he has bats drift behind him and anyone who touches the bats become old and weak. jadi kelelawar ini kek time stealer gt
2. The Murder Machine. (ini nama-namanya kaya nama-nama band metal semua) ini kalo Batman punya kekuatan Cyborg
bermula ketika alfred dibunuh sama penjahat-penjahat Gotham— Bane especially with that iconic spine breaker move— akhirnya Bruce nyari cara buat “avenge” Alfred
he scanned alfred’s brain and asked victor to help him build an A.I version of Alfred. so victor agreed and helped him. but turns out A.I. Alfred took the word “help” way too far. he killed every Gotham’s villain and made a “better” version of bruce. made him become a machine
his power. yaaa Batman campur teknologi Cyborg. and brutal.
3. my personal favorite The Dawn Breaker. this is where Bruce had a Green Lantern’s power
this took us wayy before batman. to be precise, when Bruce’s parents get murdered. he felt nothing. he only felt the void inside him. he didn’t feel fear at all so the lantern chose him
he wanted to kill the murderer so bad but the ring didn’t allow him to do it because it’s against the lantern rule. but Bruce managed to overcome the ring, overpowering the ring until it broke and allowed him to use lethal force.
he used the power to kill villains in Gotham at that time and the corps didn’t like it so they planned to take Bruce’s ring. but, its no longer a green lantern’s ring. the power he had no longer will’s light. the power is the void. it can kill all lights, and killed all the corps
he realized he doesn’t want to be Bruce Wayne anymore so he became The Dawn Breaker
wait i have to re-read the rest
lupa naro universenya wkwk
The Red Death: Earth -52
The Murder Macine: Earth -44
The Dawnbreaker: Earth -32
babi, udah nulis panjang-panjang draft nya ilang hhhh
4. The Drowned of Earth -11. di universe ini cowo jd cewe cewe jd cowo so ill be talking about Bryce Wayne who had the power of Aquawoman.
setelah dia kehilangan Sylvester Kyle (male version of Selina Kyle the catwoman) ditangan para metahumans. dia jd ngehabisin semua metahumans. sampai akhirnya ada meta humans ba tu yg muncul dari laut yaitu atlanteans
karna dia ga percaya sama metahumans lagi akhirnya dia berencana ngehabisin atlanteans jg dengan langkah awal ngebunuh pemimpin mereka yaitu aquawoman. dia pikir dengan cara ini dia bisa bikin atlanteans mundur, ternyata Gotham malah ditenggelemin sama mereka
akhirnya dia ngerubah dirinya sendiri biar bisa bernafas dalam air. dan akhirnya dia menang lawan atlanteans dan jadi pemimpin deep sea.
power dia basically sama aja kaya aquaman tp dia juga bisa ngeluarin dead waters beserta pasukannya
5. The Merciless of Earth -12. if Batman had Wonderwoman’s power (in this case Ares(?))
semuany bermula ketika Diana dibunuh sama Ares di medan perang. Bruce yg di universe itu deket banget sama Diana ga terima dan berambisi ngebales semua perbuatan Ares. akhirnya dia make helm Ares, the God of War
after that he went on a rampage killing everyone. karna dia percaya bahwa prinsip yg dia pegang sebelumnya itu terlalu naif. gaada yg namanya baik atau buruk segala macem because he was corrupted by the helmet. idk for sure but he brings war everywhere he goes
and even worshipped as a god. he basically became the new God of War
6. The Devastator of Earth -1. When Bruce had the power of Doomsday
di universe ini, bruce sama clark bener bener deket. bruce udah berharap banyak dan bener bener percaya sama clark. tapi tbtb clark went on a rampage ngebunuh semua orang termasuk lois. dan ketika tinggal satu lawan satu bruce ngeluarin senjata rahisanya yaitu doomsday virus
doomsday virus ini ngebuat tubuh bruce membesar, menguat, dan mengeras kaya doomsday. dia juga punya super strength, flight ability, dll semua yg doomsday bisa termasuk numbuhin bagian tubuh yg kepotong
akhirnya bruce ngebunuh clark yg udah membabi buta. dia nyesel ga nyebarin virus doomsday ke semua orang supaya semua orang bisa berlindung dari kekuatan superman
et masih ada
7. The Batman who Laughs of Earth -22. probably the best twisted version of Batman. what if... Batman and Joker became one🙂
it all started when joker did the biggest crime gotham ever seen. dia bener bener ngancurin semua gotham. ngebunuh semua gcpd, ngebunuh villain lainnya yg ada di gotham. dia berhasil nangkep dan ngiket batman, akhirnya dia maksa batman buat ngeliat anak kecil yg ortunya dibunuh
triggered, batman marah dan ngabisin joker abis abisan sampe ngebunuh joker. saat joker mati, dia ngeluarin nanotoxin dari tubuh dia dan ngeracunin orang yg paling deket sama dia, yaitu batman
batman sadar kalo dia keracunan nanotoxin yg keluar dari badan joker saat dia ngebunuh joker,dia ngerasa lama kelamaan pikiran dia kacau dan mulai berubah mirip kaya pikiran joker.batman ngumpulin semua batfam,dia mau anggota batfam tau dan bantuin dia,at least bisa ngatasin dia
but it’s too late :) batman already lost his mind :) he killed them all :)
setelah itu, batman—dengan pikiran joker ini— ngebunuh semua anggota justice league di watchtower menggunakan semua rampasan senjata yg ada di watch tower sampe akhirnya dia mau ngebunuh clark
dia ngebunuh clark, dan jon menggunakan black kryptonite, didepan lois. black kryptonite ini ngebuat clark sama jon jadi gila dan ngebunuh lois sebelum ngebunuh diri mereka sendiri. o yea, he made robin looks horrible and he indeed horrible ew
and thats how The Batman who Laighs born
each Dark Knight represents Bruce’s deepest fear:
Read Death - his fears of losing bat-fam
Murder Machine - dia takut dia ga cukup baik kaya yg dia pikir, takut kehilangan alfred, dan takut kehilangan humanity nya
Dawnbreaker - ketakutan dia ttg bagaimana batman bisa berbahaya-
dengan mempunyai super power tp gaada pengalaman yg kuat. dan penyesalan terbesar dia ttg pembunuhan orang tuanya
Drowned- dia terlalu tidak percaya sama metahuman, his loves for catwoman, and his trust issue
Merciless- ketakutan dia kalo batman mulai membunuh. takut kehilangan diana karna diana nunjukin sisi baik orang orang.
Devastator - takut kehilangan harapan, pentingnya persahabatan dia sama clark dan penyesalan dia gabisa percaya clark 100%
The Batman who Laughs - ketakutan dia bakal jahat kaya joker, dan penyesalan dia gabisa ngalahin joker tanpa ngebunuh dia.
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