We just wrote a hard email. I told our son’s (lovely, kind, caring) teacher that, no, we will not be participating in her “virtual classroom”, and that he was done with the 1st grade. We cannot cope with this insanity. Survival and protecting his well being come first.
Don’t any of you dare offer help or resources. We both work full time, I also help run my non profit AND manage a complex project in Egypt AND am running a Covid-19 tracking platform. So, his happiness trumps crappy math worksheet management.
ie, managing his education is a bridge too far right now. I also cook, manage cleaning, have a garden etc (husband does 50% of housework BTW, we are a team). The thought of homeschooling makes me want to barf. It’s a f*cking joke.
He reads a lot. Plays outside a lot. We read to him a lot and talk to him a lot. He gets history lessons. There is an app where he can choose books to be read to him. We watch a fun movie every night. He plays playmobile with my husband (mega imagination)
Our goal is to have our son come out of this happy and not be long term emotionally scarred (lord knows life will do that anyways). Fuck worksheets. Fuck shitty math worksheets especially. Fuck our president to hell.
PS You do what’s right for your family and mental health. Obviously kids 10+ can cope better with independent work (sometimes). The littles cannot. What in the actual fuck is he missing? Like, he knows more history already than most adults. JFC.
I give you permission to Let It All Go. It doesn’t fucking matter. School doesn’t fucking matter right now. All your kids will remember is how they were loved. Promise.
I’m muting a bunch of responses. Why are people.
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