Starting to hear some folks advance electronic monitoring (EM) as an 'alternative' to #PolicingThePandemic & #ImprisoningThePandemic. Here are some questions #ecarceration proponents need to ask themselves when thinking about #COVID19 prevention through EM...
Q1 What's driving this 'solution' - necessity or profit motives?

Q2 Who pays for and who makes money off of electronic monitoring (EM)?

Q3 Does it deepen poverty for populations that are most targeted by carceral control?
Q4 Does electronic monitoring (EM) reduce or expand the footprint of the prison industrial complex and the Canadian carceral state?

Q5 What barriers does EM movement restrictions and stigma pose in terms of access to basic services like health care?
Q6 Is electronic monitoring (EM) reliable or can it trigger fail positives (i.e. presumed violations that result from technology malfunctions)?

Q7 Is EM a substitute for discretionary and less intrusive interventions or a pathway to further criminalization and incarceration?
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