Hello! I'm Emily, a Research Associate in #SpatialEcology at @UK_CEH. I've been modelling impacts of land use and land cover on GB farmland and woodland birds #notBOU2020 #ornithology (1/9)
The interactive #ASSISTagri Scenario Exploration Tool (ASSET) was built to explore impacts of potential changes in how we use GB countryside. (2/9)
Our aim was to extend ASSET to examine potential implications for farmland and woodland bird indicators. (3/9)
Using @BBS_birds data processed by @_BTO + @UK_CEH Land Cover Map and Land Cover® plus: Crops + climate data, I modelled responses for both indicators. (4/9)
Rather than show you 10,400 maps(!), here are the changes in abundance of each indicator under the most beneficial and detrimental scenarios. (5/9)
Farmland birds benefit most from increased agricultural area and diversified crops. Woodland birds may benefit as much from afforestation for other targets, such as bioenergy, as from specifically environmental forestry. (6/9)
Critically, increasing/decreasing areas of agriculture or woodland by 30% is not matched by a 30% change in abundance of associated bird indicators. (7/9)
All these output metrics feed into the new and improved ASSET v2.0, so do go and have a play! http://assist.ceh.ac.uk/asset-v2  (8/9)
Thanks to my colleagues, collaborators and funders, @RedheadGIS @UK_CEH Gavin Siriwardena @_BTO @DefraNature and of course @IBIS_journal for hosting! (9/9)
You can follow @emily_upcott.
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