1: Aylesbury Estate being demolished today by Labour Southwark council. They promise 11,000 new council homes over the next 20 years mostly financed by huge private housing developments in North Southwark.

2: This is actually how big Aylesbury is, 2700 council homes, all going.
We aren't against Southwark building new council homes. But we are against this massive expansion of private housing developments in Southwark. Look at these huge concentrations of gentrifying areas, forcing up local rents for renters & businesses. This is displacement in action
This graph is already 5 years old but shows how poor the majority of residents in Southwark are. At the other end, a massive number of wealthier people.

What would today's figures show when Elephant Park, built recently where Heygate Estate was, has one-bed flats for ÂŁ785,000?
Displacement is real for working class people! See these maps for Heygate & Aylesbury Estates. Even if you're only moved to another postcode - that is displacement. Displaced solely so richer people can move into new flats built on top of where you used to live #notrocketscience
For Southwark, big developments are good as it increases their council tax base enabling them to pay for basic stuff locally when government has been forcing them to make deep budget cuts.

But sadly they are also ideologically committed to 'regeneration' aka social cleansing
When we say Southwark Council are ideologically committed to 'regeneration' aka social cleansing, you may just think we are being OTT!

Last night they agreed a Compulsory Purchase Order solely to enable Delancey, an offshore property developer, to profit

We've been doing this shit for donkeys years through all these estate demolitions (Aylesbury, Elmington, Heygate, Wood Dene)

But last night's Southwark Labour council approval Compulsory Purchase Order to enable a developers profits at The Elephant made us sick up in our mouths!
And further to our idea that these Southwark Council officers and councilors are ideologically in favour of 'regeneration' aka social cleansing, read about 20+ of them with various connections / new jobs in the development industry:
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