Last year I visited a cafe in South Australia run by people on temporary protection visas (SHEVs). They employ Australian citizens.

How does JobKeeper affect businesses like theirs?
Under questioning in the @AuSenate - @MathiasCormann confirms:

Workers on TPVs & SHEVs don’t qualify for JobKeeper support.

But employers on TPVs & SHEVs can register their business for JobKeeper for their 🇦🇺 employees.

. @MathiasCormann says “all Australian businesses” are eligible to apply for the Government’s various COVID-19 stimulus’ packages — and the visa status of the business owner isn’t relevant.
In short - temporary protection visa holders can run an “Australian” business,
employ Australian citizens,
and get JobKeeper for their 🇦🇺 employees,

but can’t access any rights of Australian permanent residents, including JobSeeker, Coronavirus supplement, or JobKeeper.
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