They say Shakespeare probably wrote King Lear & Macbeth in quarantine, so we started wondering, 'What would the Bard write at home today?' 🤔

Ladies and Gentlemen, we present to you: #SociallyDistancedShakespeare, a thread 🎭
Twelfth Night in Self-Isolation🌙

'O Mistress mine where are you roaming? No, seriously, stay indoors' 🏠

#SociallyDistancedShakespeare #QuarantinePlays
All's Well That's Handgel 👏

'Love all, stay home with a few, do wrong to none'

#SociallyDistancedShakespeare #QuarantinePlays
A Midsummer Skype Meet 💘💻

'Love looks not with the eyes, but with good broadband connection'

#SociallyDistancedShakespeare #QuarantinePlays
The Facemask of the Shrew 😷

'There’s small choice in rotten apples- so PLEASE don’t panic buy' 🍎

#SociallyDistancedShakespeare #QuarantinePlays
🙍‍♂️ Romeo 6 Feet From Juliet 👩

'Parting is such sweet sorrow... & entirely necessary, in the circumstances’
Henry VI Feet Apart 👑

'I have heard it said, unbidden guests, are often welcomest when they are gone.' 👋(no adaptation needed there)

The Online Merchant of Venice 💳

'I like not fair terms and conditions and a villain's mind.'

#SociallyDistancedShakespeare #QuarantinePlays
Much To Zoom About Nothing 🖥️

'Silence is the perfectest herald of joy. I were but little happy if I could say how to mute' 🙊

#SociallyDistancedShakespeare #QuarantinePlays
NHS You Like It - 💙🏥

'All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And our key workers play many parts,
Their acts being so courageous'

#SociallyDistancedShakespeare #QuarantinePlays
Thank you to our Creative Associate @Teunkie for these #SociallyDistancedShakespeare re-imaginings😂

Come up with your own #QuarantinePlays & tag us below 👇
You can follow @youngvictheatre.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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