Excellent #COVID19 resources here #EPeeps

Considering #PPE recommendations, @RicardoPetraco neatly describes factors determining how aerosol-rich our medical microclimates will be according to frequency+type of AGP, versus ventilation.

[Note: Even talking can be an AGP] https://twitter.com/millbrookmed/status/1247448480886521857
And if anyone wants to geek out on the Healthcare Technical Memoranda underlying standards for ventilation in #NHS organisations, the top of this thread has the links you need. 🙂
https://twitter.com/drtomlinsonep/status/1246749704320356352?s=21 https://twitter.com/drtomlinsonep/status/1246749704320356352
You can follow @DRTomlinsonEP.
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