I was just sent this image. Before I go down the rabbit hole, has anyone seen or looked into these claims and possible connections to the virus? Particularly the world military games in Wuhan. #coronavirus #COVID19
Beginning a timeline of events that I believe are notable:
January 2013, Harvard university nano-scientist Charles Lieber, signs an agreement between Harvard and Wuhan University of Technology, to carry out advanced research and development nano-wire based batteries.
A search of the titles of Lieber’s more than 400 papers and more than 75 U.S. and Chinese patents reveals no mentions of “battery,” “batteries,” “vehicle,” or “vehicles.” (According to Lieber’s CV, in 2019 he has co-authored 412 research papers and has 65 U.S patents, 11 Chinese
~August 2019, One of the worst flu seasons in 20 years, second only to the flu epidemic of 2017.
January 28, 2019, Harvard Professor Charles Lieber arrested for fraudulent statements, failing to disclose funding he received from the Chinese government and denying any affiliation with Wuhan University of Technology. Two days later released on cash bail of US$1 million.
March 31, 2019 https://twitter.com/columbiabugle/status/1245149515629264897?s=21 https://twitter.com/columbiabugle/status/1245149515629264897
April 8, 2020, Donald Trump asks a reporter if she is working for the Chinese Government. https://twitter.com/nathanbrandwa/status/1247322707659755521?s=21 https://twitter.com/nathanbrandwa/status/1247322707659755521
I will re-do this thread soon; as you can see I missed a 2015 entry and had to add it as an ‘insert:’ please see the bottom of the thread or the replies to the 2013 entry. If I’ve missed anything please send it to me for review as these are only the things I think are notable.
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