Hello and welcome to Islam 101. Today I am fasting and looking to pass the time so let’s share some information about Shab-e-Baraat also known as Laylatul-Baraat and the reason why we are fasting today. The fast takes place on the 15th of Shaban (Islamic calendar)
It takes place 15 days before the month of Ramadan is set to start (how exciting btw!) and can be referred to as The Night of Forgiveness. Muslims spend as much of the night as they can praying, reading Quran, asking for forgiveness as we believe this a night where all sins...
are forgiven and you “start afresh” with a blank slate so to speak. I shouldn’t say all sins because it isn’t “all” like you can’t have killed someone and then fast and it be reyt type things. The Prophet (pbuh) said...
“In this month Allah prescribes the list of the persons dying this year. Therefore, I like that my death comes when I am in a state of
fasting.” So again, Muslims believe your fate would be decided on this night so why not do the most praying, asking for forgiveness etc you can
There isn’t actually anything mentioned specifically about this night in the Quran but it is believe that the Prophet (pbuh) used to fast mostly in this month (apart from Ramadan) and so Muslims imitate the same actions. Some choose to fast 1 day, some have done 3 days this week
And some will continue to do many more days during this month. The most holiest of days to fast according to Hadith are Monday and Thursday (my Nan actually keeps fasts all year round on these days!)
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