Jesus fucking Christ STOP GLORIFYING BORIS JOHNSON JUST BECAUSE HE IS SICK. Reminder he’s still the man who... called gay men 'tank-topped bumboys' and black people 'piccaninnies' with 'watermelon smiles'.Why the fuck do people always glorify someone once they become sick or die?
And for the morons who don’t understand: I can call him what he is - a racist, homophobic piece of shit, while still also not wishing death on him, and while hoping he recovers and gets better. We can do both of those things. Like human fucking beings. Fuck off
You’re doing all this #bekind shit and directing it all at being kind to boris at this time. How about you direct it towards the black people or Muslims or single mothers or gay men that he’s directed hate towards all his life and you now are glorifying the man who’s done that?
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