i just remembered how our teacher in year 6 was a bitch and she was reading a roald dahl book about witches and it said something like “ur teacher reading this could be a witch” and everyone was like well obviously SJDHDJ
also i remembered how she would make us read the vowels EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and once we were all sitting on the floor reading it and a kid farted when it was silent
also another time there was a MASSIVE spider above the table i was sitting at (it was on the wall right next to us high up) and even tho we were all terrified she wouldn’t let us move <3
another time we had a lockdown & it also happened to be picture day and even tho we were supposed to be hiding under the tables she made us practice how we would be standing in line to take the photos. she was horrible
i stayed home so many times in year 6 just because i didn’t wanna go to school bc of her... she was honestly the worst teacher i ever had
she’d stand at the door sometimes when the bell rang and would let us out one by one even if we were good as well
idk what sparked this thread up but i just randomly remembered how terrible she was and how much i hate her but it’s all good she left that school the year after, we dunno if she got fired or left tho. wouldn’t surprise me if she got fired coz everyone hated her
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