There have been debates going back and forth in the last few days on 5G and possible connections with the novel COVID - 19 virus. I have great respect for my man of God Pastor Chris and Pastor Sam Adeyemi. I've examined many of the arguments advanced from both sides...

Some observations worth pointing out.
1. There appears to be an aggressive shew of ignorance and misinformation from both sides. This is because, apart from the benefits of copy and paste arguments, less than 2% of those dragging the man of God WATCHED the entire teaching... at least understand how he got to point C from A. It is the height of intellectual idiocy and imbecility to discredit a man or an idea based on a 2 or 5 minutes clip of what that man said. Pastor Chris had held several teaching sessions prior to this...
...but people chose to base their judgement on a few minutes clip. That is so not fair, regardless of what he said or not.

2. The 5G debate is not even a Nigerian thing. All over the world, in Europe, in America, etc, there appears to be serious concerns about the 5G technology
Only a fool will sweep them under the carpet. I am not all that techie, but common sense tells me that the fact that there is no strong consensus among the scientific community on 5G technology should get one thinking immediately. Those attacking Pastor Chris for...
...have obviously failed to take this into consideration. A simple research will show all these.

4. Some things worth observing about Pastor Chris. He might be very controversial but he is NOT stupid. Pastor Chris has taught so many seemingly outrageous things that did not sit
..well with the general public. He was attacked from all sides and touted as a satanist. Funny enough, many of those teachings came to be accepted by a great majority of the Christian community. He was right all along but they never saw the light then!
If you listen to Pastor ..
Chris teachings and how he teaches, you're going to observe one strong thing about his style - he RESEARCHES A LOT. Not saying he is beyond errors per se, but boy, you cannot but be impressed by how meticulous and rigorous his teachings are. You don't take the words of such a man
...lightly. Pastor Chris is NOT stupid.

5. The assertions he made are pretty audacious and strong. If a man like Pastor Chris is coming out to tell you stuff like this, boy, you need to be extra careful whether or not you believe them. Pastor Chris is a global preacher. In my
estimation, I dare say he knows way much about what he's talking about than what these Twitter techies think they know. It is interesting to note that till now, the actual origin of COVID - 19 is still shrouded in secrecy. Why all the secrecy?
7. There are very few churches in Nigeria that are as technologically equipped as @PastorChrisLive @LoveWorldUSA @LoveWorldEvents. Let me shock you. At a time most churches were having serious albeit needless debates about the place of technology in the church, @ChristEmbassy01
had gone ahead of the pack in terms of usage of the latest technology in the spread of the gospel. In fact, Christ Embassy is the ONLY church in Nigeria (and arguably the world) where ALL their pastors and ministers are using iPads/tablets to teach. Like Pastor Chris once said,
'These are just the extras...'
Long before your church started using a particular tech device, you can be sure that same device has been deployed severally in Christ Embassy.

What should this tell you? It will be entirely stupid and strange for such a ministry to attack a
...robust technology like 5G for no good or justifiable reason. Logical reasoning will have you sit down and ponder on the reasons advanced given the pedigree of the personality advancing those reasons.
8. Pastor Sam Adeyemi's submission seems balanced and I cannot speak much about what he said based on a 2 minutes clip. Because if I do now, I will be contradicting myself and I could pick holes in some of his comment.
9. In conclusion, now isn't the time for the Body of Christ to be disunited. A man of God calling out another man of God and this to the applause of the public, is a sure recipe for confusion and unbelief. It is dangerous. Even when Paul opposed Peter, we understand that this was a GATHERING of God's children.

This is the time to pray and not cast aspersions. The church is being readied for the rapture. In the end, what will matter is not whether you believed in 5G or not, or whether you believed COVID-19 and 5G are related or not.
What will matter is your response to the love of God while you lived.

This is what counts in the end.

End of thread.
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