Someone emailed me earlier asking how I deal with that sinking sensation you get when you see models that are painted "better than anything I could ever do".

So, read my words, and take them to heart:
It doesn't matter how well someone else paints. It doesn't matter how amazing other people are, how talented they are, or how mind blowing their models are.

What matters is what YOU can do, and what YOU can do is paint a model that you're happy with.
Other people's skill has no bearing on how proud you can be of your work, and you are absolutely capable of making something you're proud of. Compare you to you, not to anything else.
Now, that's not to say that you should never look at someone else's work. You should! But don't compare, don't decide you can't compete. Find inspiration, use your reaction to their skill as fuel for a desire to better your own work.
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