Glory of Child Hanumaan
I am feeling blessed to write the glory of child Hanuman in my own words. Sorry, for any error and i welcome you all to sort it out in comments.
Jai Bajranbali!! @liketrueindians
Hanuman was the son of Anjana and kesari. He was born by the grace of Vayu, the wind god and therefore he was also known as Pavanputra.
When Hanuman was a child, Kesari was called away on duty by his chief Sugreeva. Anjana took care of her son.
Also Pavandev used to take care of him when Anjana was away.
When Anjana went out to the forest to get fruits, Pavandev would play with child Hanuman. He would push colourful leaves and flowers towards the child. When Hanuman tried to grab them,he would blow them away.
When Anjana would come home, and find her little child missing. She would yell "Hanu come back".
Hanu would hear his mothers call and return home no matter how far he was. Pavandev would make an air cushion and Hanuman would float on it.
जुग सहस्त्र जोजन पर भानु,
लीलो ताहि मधुर फल जानू
This line is my most favourite as it depicts the biggest glory of the Child Hanuman.
One morning,Hanuman woke up very hungry. His mother had gone out. Hanuman looked for some fruits, but he found none.
Then, he saw the rising sun looking red and juicy😂😂. He ran out to the hill nearby and Pavandev gave him gentle push and he was on the way to the sun. The sun spotted any child flying towards him at an enormous speed .
God Sun started screaming "help help" 😂😂.
In no time, Indra appeared with his four tusk elephant Airawat.
To little Hanuman, elephant looked like a toy😂😂😂. He forgot he was hungry and went after the elephant.
Indra warned to stay away but little Hanuman grabbed the elephant by its trunk and started moving round
and round. This annoyed Indra and he attacked the child Hanuman with his powerful weapon Brahamastra😩😩. Hanuman had taken the blow on his face. He lost his consciousness and started bloating in the air.
Pavandev reached the sight and he quickly gathered him in his arms, carrying him swiftly inside a cave.
The moment Pavandev locked himself inside the cave, the wind stopped blowing. Men and animals grasped for breath and Indra was very afraid as he knew all living beings would
die without air.
Indra ran after Pavandev and other gods too ran after Pavanndev, gathered outside the cave, appealed Pavandev to come out.
Pavandev was very angry and he denied to come out till his son would be fine .
God Surya said : I grant Hanuman the boon of extraordinary
strength and he will achieve great feats.
Indra said: I grant him knowledge and wisdom .
He can grow large or small as he wishes, said one of the gods.
Not even deadth can touch him.He will be immortal, said Yamraj.
This way all the gods showered him boon and he started
recovering from unconsciousness.
This pleased Pavandev and he came out of the cave. The wind began to home. Men and animals could now breathe with ease.
Just then, Hanuman could hear hia mother calling and Hanuman returned home with lot of blessings.
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