Picking up some amazing gems on @evankimbrell and @colemercer course on 'Advanced Product Management'

Will tweet out some nuggets in this thread, guess this is my new hobby as I can't live-tweet from conference sessions anymore

Thread, 1 / ?
"Your vision can't stay the same forever, you have to constantly check it against reality"
"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would've said faster horses" - Henry Ford (Lol, no evidence that Henry Ford said this)
"Customers cant envision a future that's too far ahead!

You must be able to know how the world would look in the future. You should also know how your product or company fits into that future"
"Clear consistent vision enables everyone to make the right decision autonomously"
My favorite so far

"You're not an engineer, you're not a designer so why would you want to do their jobs for them? They're not going to like you for it" - @colemercer
"Chess is a solved game - a game where an outcome can be predicted given enough computational power. Constraints are within the board" #TIL
"Strategy is not just for CEOs and founders, it's also for the product managers"
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