So. I've been on a reading spree and finished 2 novels in the past 10 days. Started erha and the starless sea and wow I have. many feelings
I wanna talk about the 2 books I finished first so! Here's a rant review thing. Well okay I'm not coherent enough for that so this is gonna be a stream of consciousness slash review hybrid. Or something.
PS it will contain spoilers for Ten thousand doors of January by Alix Harrow
As well as Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys.I just started the other 2 so I don't think I'll go much into them. Just first impressions and how I like them so far. Also please all these are my personal opinions I don't mean to offend anyone (although I doubt this will be read)
-this is purely so I can compile my thoughts somewhere!!
"In a sprawling mansion filled with peculiar treasures, January Scaller is a curiosity herself. As the ward of the wealthy Mr. Locke, she feels little different from the artifacts that decorate the halls: carefully-"
-maintained, largely ignored, and utterly out of place.
Then she finds a strange book. A book that carries the scent of other worlds, and tells a tale of secret doors, of love, adventure and danger. Each page turn reveals impossible truths about the world and January discovers-
-a story increasingly entwined with her own."

[I just copy pasted this from goodreads to make this thread fancy ok]
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