I contacted the BBC regarding this article. A senior editor told me 'We're just reporting what people say'
The Lancet have said the report was misinterpreted and misrepresented,the report said the evidence for school closures alone is varied, but they work well in conjunction
The Professor the BBC went to for interpretation works in paediatrics, and is the director of a government quango. This wasnt mentioned, seems like they didnt check their facts or their sources
They also produced several other experts at the end to back up the headline
The first backup expert who states the reports finding are significant and say the suggested measures for returning to school are sensible, is a psychologist

Students are low risk so it's fine?
Students without health conditions have died, what about staff? Educators are dead.
Arguement for reopening schools in the bbc article was that opening schools only reduces the death toll by 2-4%
The idea that social distancing can be done in a school is insane

Apparently educators are immune we dont even need PPE and still no testing https://www.tes.com/news/coronavirus-ppe-not-needed-schools-says-dfe
The second backup expert says the report says it was a mistake to close schools because of the economic cost and schools should reopen as soon as possible.
He is a sociologist, he also claims this one report shows there is only flimsy evidence to support school closures.
There is considerable evidence that school closures do have an impact on infection rates during a pandemic, but now media are saying the scientists have conflicting opinions all based on a few non peer reviews or misrepresented reports and a lot of media amplification.
Switched on LBC this morning to hear the question posed
'Should schools reopen after Easter?'
How did the bbc article on school closures get so much more attention than the Gov telling educators they dont need PPE?
The economic arguement is drowning out the safety of educators.
So in summary where has the arguement for keeping schools open come from?
Initially it was #Herd_Immunity,Gov advisor said closing schools was undesirable and could even be counter productive as it would slow the spread of infection
But now school dont spread infection?
Where did this come from?
The advisors from the nudge unit, behavioral psychologists.

Where did the 'Oxford uni' report come from?
PR company linked to the nudge unit

6% GDP = more deaths? Economic report interpreted by psychologists and sociologists
'We may need to go back to #HerdImmunity'
From Gov advisor who is cognitive scientist

Schools closing have minimal impact
A Paediatrician Director of a gov quango
A psychologist in trauma
A sociologist

Where are the epidemiologists and virologists?
Take a look at the sociologist Consultancy firm

'Stimulating different ways of thinking about the challenges facing people who are trying to introduce new ideas'

Sounds a bit like the 'wierdos' job advert by Cummings
This is why I'm so worried about increasing pressure to reopen schools without any real concern for the safety of staff or students

Can you see why I can see a debate on schools reopening ending up like debating climate change?
The same people who continued to sell us #Herd_Immunity as a more nuanced strategy even after concerns started to be raised, who initially argued against lockdown will be the same ones pushing for schools to reopen

And they will hold up these few amplified reports as fact
And that's why I see a political battle emerging, a fog of confusion is developing, the views of the real experts are being diluted by those in different fields and being jumped on by the media

By confusing the science the best course of action becomes a matter of opinion
Opinion becomes based on individual views and ideologies,ppl start looking to the opinions of those with similar ideologies for confirmation bias

Before you know it battle lines are drawn
X GDP loss vs Y death toll
Once that happens mentalities become tribal,positions entrenched
We risk getting dragged down into unproductive slagging matches, all based on misrepresentations

Schools are the key to ending lockdown so everyone can go back to work,yet no one in media are talking about the safety of educators

We have not been served well by journalists
Schools still have staff and students in, and it isnt just the vulnerable who are at risk
Covid19 can kill anyone

The media focus on schools should be on testing, ppe, cleaning and issues around social distancing but the lives of educators doesnt seem to be a priority
Educators should not be sacrificed on the altar of economic growth

Schools should not open until its safe, and when they do great precaution must be combined with testing

Beware false prophets

The end (at last)
Sorry for length, I find good rants cathartic
Who is this Rupert Shute?

An expert in epidemiology or virology?
No hes an engineer
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