You know I was always kinda eh about Suicide Squad because I'd never watched it but caught a few scenes that I thought were pretty good and I was like this is probably not as good or bad as anyone thinks. Trying to finally watch it in full this is the most hideous movie ever.
Like, "I literally believe anyone thinking this is a well composed and directed film owes Joel Schumacher an apology for the backlash against his Batman films" level of this is appalling to watch. Goes from hideously garish to normal DC grimdark movie mud so often it's dizzying.
I mean, I agree/disagree. The scenes that are good are hella solid. Margot Robbie shreds it (like she always does) and I hope she plays live-action Harley Quinn forever. Will Smith finally found a superhero role he straight up nailed &I hope this pays off
This was literally the first movie where I could actually buy Will Smith as a PG-13 protagonist. It was an incredible reinvention.

He is like the anti-Jared Leto in this roster because every ten seconds more I see Jared Leto's Joker the more cringe he becomes. Total garbage.
I know it is way past the expiration date to say so but holy shit Jared Leto's Joker is literally the worst Joker that ever happened. He's like the fucking Poochie of Jokers where he is a spooky crazy loner but also an established gangster that runs strip clubs and what the fuck.
Like, this video was the reason I'm trying to watch Suicide Squad in full because I thought Jared Leto's Joker was kinda cringe but like no he is worse than I ever imagined.
I'm literally taking a break halfway through this godawful movie because how did anyone sit through this in theaters.
Just reached the point where Captain Boomerang and Slipknot held a failed coup and Slipknot died because he had the dumber name of the two of them but then Will Smith and Margot Robbie are talking and now I am invested again.
This is extremely my mood.
This is the most aggressively unwatchable film I have ever seen. Like literally worse than The Beer Drinker's Guide to Fitness and Filmmaking, which is a film I genuinely find charming.
I didn't make this film up it exists. 
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