There are several killer-main players on @DeadByBHVR that have strong opinions on that killers are not strong enough (or survivors not weak enough), so I did a little experiment out of my curiosity.
I took data from the last 100 matches of killers that I consider are good at the game, use a variety of killer characters, have strong opinions on balance and have different playstyles.
Some facts based on the last hundred games for TrU3Ta1ent, FarmerJohn and OhTofu:
- All of them get an average of AT LEAST 3 kills per match.
- 3-k's and 4-k's make up for ~70-80% of matches.
- The probability of them having 0-k or 1-k is around 10%

Average kills / match: 3
Average kill rate: 75%
Probability of 0-k's: 3%
Probability of 1-k's: 13%
Probability of 2-k's: 16%
Probability of 3-k's: 17%
Probability of 4-k's: 51%
Average kills / match: 3.23
Average kill rate: 80.75%
Probability of 0-k's: 5%
Probability of 1-k's: 11%
Probability of 2-k's: 3%
Probability of 3-k's: 18%
Probability of 4-k's: 63%

Average kills / match: 3.34
Average kill rate: 83.5%
Probability of 0-k's: 2%
Probability of 1-k's: 4%
Probability of 2-k's: 12%
Probability of 3-k's: 22%
Probability of 4-k's: 60%
This is a little experiment with 3 good killers based on 300 matches. Keep in mind that these killers are not even using the "sweatiest" builds all the time. Many of the matches had "build requests" from their viewers, but they still managed to 3k/4k.
You can follow @nickyramone77.
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