For the first time in ages, government seems to be functioning properly. Not playing any silly Culture War games. Not paying any attention to the kind of the bullshit that the Spectator publishes. Not letting it self be played with by unserious backbenchers.
It looks like a body that professionally implements policy, not one that tries to ‘disrupt’ good government in the way every post-2010 Cabinet has tried to do.
We can see pretty plainly that the ‘political reporting’ sector isn’t performing a helpful role. It isn’t an asset to us as citizens, it doesn’t encourage good government & it actually gets in the way of us being able to find out what is going on.
Once the dust has settled on this, I’m sure there will be some kind of inquiry. There is so much to learn. I suppose the biggest question in the UK will be how quickly we moved from “government by cranks and grifters“ to serious government.
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