2020 was supposed to be the year i finally found a balance between being an artist and paying rent. I had 6 different income streams, so here's how the package today lets me down....
Can't get job keeper;
1 job I haven't had more than 12 months
1 job doesn't qualify for job keeper, as an arts organisation they haven't 'lost income'.
The university is too big to qualify for Jobkeeper, but as a casual on contract for 9/12 months of the year, again, no support.
As a sole trader, I've lost 100% of my planned gigs, but it's not 'enough' to qualify as my main source of income.

& because I'm still getting 2 days/week, I'm not a 'job seeker' even though it doesn't cover a FT wage, barely rent.

Nothing to do but eat vegemite toast & create.
This would've all been much easier if they'd implemented and just paid UBI - $1500/fortnight for all, even for those still able to work in essential services. Consider it fucking danger money.
I should also add that another of my gigs, I invoice rather than pay them. So even if they, a small business, are entitled to Jobkeeper (they lost 100% of their business), since I'm a contractor and not an employee, again, I don't qualify.
And before you all @ me "you should have saved your penalty rates for a rainy day": first, penalty rates pffffttt yeah that 20c/hr goes a long way, & second, I do having savings. But it's put aside for when my landlord evicts me coz my home is on the market (& was pre Covid-19).
DETOUR: follow the other thread for a realistic view of how the JobSeeker JobKeeper lets down casuals, artists etc

Or choose this path and stop here to gaze on a picture of my working from home colleague and only other living thing I ever see now, my cat.
You can follow @PetraElliott.
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