
For @BillWhittle

I'd like to address your self-described thin skin when it comes to conservatives criticizing you for supporting how we've dealt with COVID-19.
All the people calling you and me "sheeple" were too stupid to see just how far Obama got as the first American dictator.

Your critics all brag about their guns and patriotism, and they're totally unaware of just how lawless Obama and his administration were.
I spent months compiling a list of 188 major unconstitutional and/or illegal acts Obama and his lackeys committed.

Unfortunately the guy who said he'd publish it hasn't done so.

But Obama was the successful Beta Test for American dictatorship.

Obama didn't even issue executive orders or presidential memos.

He simply told his minions to do something, and they did.

Hillary would've continued the precedent of governing by fiat.
EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE for the 2020 election promised to bypass Congress and the courts.

So governing by fiat is now SOP for all future Democratic presidents.


We'll be the first dictatorship with an armed population.
Obama followed in the footsteps of Erdogan.

The Turkish armed forces were the bulwark of secularism.

Erdogan replaced all military leaders with Islamists.

Obama replaced EVERYONE with radical leftists. They destroyed the armed forces from within.
During the Obama years, the air force had to scavenge spare parts from static museum displays.
We needed two more AC-130 gunships.

There wasn't enough money for two World War II-era 40mm cannons.
So the air force scavenged GUNNERY RANGES for long-obsolete M42 Dusters used as targets.

The guns are handed, so they needed to find TWO Dusters, which they did.

They refurbished the guns, and that's how we got two more AC-130 gunships.
All the people accusing YOU AND ME of being "sheeple" are totally unaware that Obama implemented new laws that Congress had rejected.

And the Obama DOJ ignored Supreme Court rulings.

This was the plan:
Everyone would keep their guns BECAUSE THEY DON'T MATTER.

When the government gives itself the power to take whatever it wants from you, a gun won't stop them.
The Obama DOJ confiscated small businesses, using the pretense that the business had made too many bank deposits just under $10,000.

No prosecutors involved, no judges.

No laws were broken. The business owners had to spend years in court, only to go bankrupt.
Did anyone with guns come to their defense?


The gun people were too busy fantasizing about redcoats.

The Obama DOJ filed spurious lawsuits against banks. The banks settled by making donations to La Raza and other radical organizations.
When Congress banned federal funding to ACORN, Obama FUNDED THEM ANYWAY.

Little by little, all our institutions were being destroyed.

In the end, we'd have the Soviet Union...EXCEPT THAT THE POPULATION WOULD BE ARMED.
There would never be coups, because the armed forces were already gone.

There would never be insurrections, because the people with guns were BLIND.

We were within ONE ELECTION of losing the country forever.
So the people criticizing you are in no position to talk.

I was ready to bug out. Having been born and raised in a Third World country, I knew where we were headed.

My brother and I were scouting places all over the world.

Then @realDonaldTrump came along.
Your critics need to get on their knees every single night in thanks for Trump.

After his second term, the Democratic party in its present form will be gone, one way or another.

But Hillary was going to finish the job. We both know she would gotten two terms.

Plenty of the people criticizing you STILL DON'T SUPPORT TRUMP.

They're as unreachable as the worst social-justice warriors.

Trump is already the best president we've ever had.

His trick is to HIDE his accomplishments. The REAL ones.
Unlike your critics, I researched Trump from all angles.

When I was done, I knew we were saved.


Trump kept the records of 550 businesses IN HIS HEAD.
I said long ago that there would be no black swans for Trump.

And he proved me right.

You hit the nail on the head: The danger of COVID-19 is that our entire medical system would've gone to treating the infected.
My father was in the ICU four times.

It was always the quietest place in the hospital, with 80 percent of the beds empty.

COVID-19 would've meant up to 3 million ICU patients.

Our medical system would've collapsed.
Those of us who survived wouldn't have gotten medical care for ten years.

So forget your conservative critics. They wouldn't know a power grab if it sat on their faces.

It DID sit on their faces for eight years, and they ignored it.
Then HILLARY would've sat on their faces for another eight years.

(Muffled voice) "Sure glad I got my guns! Why can't I breathe?"

Lots of people have to be written off. Trump is separating the wheat from the chaff.

We are wheat.

Take care, and happy birthday.

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