have been doing a lot of searing on my fic on twitter bc i KNOW stuff's getting rn with everyone stuck inside, and i found someone who wrote a really long, lovely livetweet of my iwaoi olympics fic that ended with them desperately requesting fluff bc of how i end that fic
and it's so odd to me, bc objectively that person and all the other people who have said as such are right: the ending is kinda fucked up! i end oikawa's athletic career! he gets with iwaizumi but misses the last match! that is angsty! and yet i still think that's a happy ending!
i know people want the unequivocally happy ending, w/o the career-ending injury, because that's escapism. but idk, i think it's interesting that the version with the career-ending injury is escapism for me, too. something goes horribly, unimaginably wrong and you're still happy
the worst thing you can possibly imagine happening happens and at the end you're still alive and happy and, importantly, deffos getting married to your best friend within like months. vvv understandable why that is not the escapism everyone seeks, but man that is the dream for me
obviously, because i keep writing fics like this! presumably none of this is new information to anyone who knows me!
idk, meditations on different kinds of escapism. an explanation for why it's so hard to get the unequivocal happy ending out of me, even though love is real, and i do believe in it
*SEARCHING whoops lol
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