Do not let your love for something define you. It can be a part of you but please do think critically of what you love. And don’t take those critics personally. They’re not criticizing you, they’re criticizing a product, an intent, a design choice.
If I tell you Mage’s Book of the Fallen is full of harmful antisemitic tropes, that just says OOP and its authors didn’t pay attention and didn’t hire sensitivity readers and should be criticized for it.
If I tell you Coteries of NY has good prose but terrible game writing (no agency, PC and their choices have no importance), that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to like it. Being a fan of something doesn’t mean your judgment and values have to go out of the window. Be honest.
If I tell you vtmb has terrible sex worker representation as well as “values” blood depending on people’s wealth and success, well that’s just a thing. Also boob quota.
Love the things you love, but don’t be an unconditional blind stan. Accept what you love is flawed and use it as a source of inspiration to make it better. Don’t shower the creators with praise without pointing out the big issues. Don’t let them continue to be harmful.
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