I want to start a thread about the average nigerian woman, please note that I’m in no way dissing anyone, just stating my opinion and asking genuine questions 🤗
Can we talk about how the average nigerian woman wants to be spoilt without giving back? How when you ask them what they’re bringing to the table, you find out it’s mostly sex and a pretty face? How they can’t date a broke man but they themselves are broke?
Now, I’m not saying because you’re broke, you’re obligated to date someone broke, we all have our specs and that’s yours, it’s fine. But what’s not fine is feeling entitled to money you did not work for.
You expect the guy to shower you with gifts and all but you can’t do the same? Why? Because that’s just how it’s right?, How’s that fair? Doesn’t it make you feel ashamed?? Always taking!
You give him sex while he gives you money and yet you get angry when people disregard women, are you not also promoting the agenda? And even the so called gifts and money you wire him sometimes are from the money he gave you🥴
You want to be respected but don’t want to walk the path to respect ✊🏾 No human, i repeat, No human would respect anyone that comes off as lazy and entitled. You want a rich husband yeah?But baby girl, the rich husband also wants a rich wife🥴 no be only you like better thing na
We get that you’re pretty and you have a nice ass but sadly, there are three hundred and seventy five thousand others with the same in your geographical zone alone🥴
“ but I’m also smart and hardworking “ yes, you’re! Says 245 others too. But what really is the point if you say you’re but you can’t put it into use?? No be by mouth abeg!
How much is in your account that you always cannot wait to get married? What job do you have? Oh, you’re good at giving blowjobs, your husband could never cheat? My dear, so are millions of other women. It’s time to have a significant purpose.
You’re always available and ready to forgive and take him back and he knows damn well you ain’t going nowhere cus you broke🥴 i mean, where you going with 3 kids? The mcdonalds? Can you even afford the transport fare??💆🏽‍♀️
Now,I’m not giving reasons as to why men cheat, I’d never!People who work and do all these and are sweet and perfect still get cheated on.But wouldn’t it be better to have your own money and curse him on ur way to Maldives instead of having to be the one who ends up apologizing?
What I’m really just trying to say is that you can’t open your mouth wide and expect fly not to enter. You want to be respected? Give people reasons to respect you. Simple ✊🏾
Please note: These do not in anyway apply to all women, only some and all i said are based on people I’ve come across with and some, I’ve conversed with. Stay beautiful Queens ❤️
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