Full moons clear out old, negative energies to make way for fresh, positive, new beginnings—which is why we often feel edgy, triggered, and quite argumentative during this period, as we go through an emotional unearthing and cleansing phase.
⭐️ Past emotions may surface, so that they receive the chance to be healed and resolved; therefore, anything that is lingering in our hearts and minds will likely find their way to the surface.
We may find ourselves reaching out to those we’ve been temporarily estranged from. This is a vulnerable period for many who are highly sensitive to the moon’s energy—and though vulnerability is often seen as a weakness, it humbly draws us to our knees and opens our hearts!
⭐️ Full moons are typically the days when we find out what other people think of us, and this can work both ways—positively or negatively.
The reason for this is that we are generally less fearful when the moon is full above us, and this allows us to express our deepest heartfelt emotions—either by sharing secrets, confessing how we truly feel to a loved one, or letting those dearest to us know how much they mean.
⭐️ we may also find ourselves projecting our anger or irritation onto others, or find that other people are projecting their frustrations onto us. This is why it’s VERY important to meditate & stay grounded during this full moon energy.
If we do not remain in the present moment during a full moon, we will end up carrying other people’s emotional loads—and along with the weight of our own emotions, we could easily become overwhelmed and fatigued by it all.
⭐️ On a full moon, it is highly recommended to refrain from being pulled into heated arguments and disagreements with those around us.

It usually feels like we are more irritable than usual during the full moon, though what’s actually happening is that our intuition spikes,
we are far more hypersensitive, and our awareness of everything occurring in our lives is heightened!!! we are simply noticing the things that existed throughout the rest of the month, but subconsciously, we’ve turned a blind eye.
⭐️ During a full moon, insights arrive in sudden bursts of information providing liberating answers to the silent questions we have had in our minds. This helps us in get to the root of what causes unhealthy habits, and destructive dynamics within our relationships.
⭐️ Many of us feel empowered during a full moon to be to find our voice and speak our truth. The most important thing to remember is that if we want do not want to burn bridges, we must try to be compassionate, so we can express our thoughts and feelings with love and care,
rather than through irrational, emotion-fueled outbursts.

The full moon phase encourages us to dig deep into our souls. This takes us through a beautiful metamorphosis as we purge the huge mass of built-up feelings and emotion
all the thoughts, beliefs, and truths that we normally try to reject or deny forcefully spill out.

⭐️Whenever we are faced with the truth, we also receive the opportunity for dramatic transformation.
As much as full moons feel chaotic , they always serve our best interest and are a vital component for our personal growth and for reaching the highest version of ourselves possible (if we are willing to pay attention and not get caught up in the intensity).
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