Teaching my venture class today online, we actually had perfect attendance - I couldn't believe it. The attendance prompt was "what's one thing you sorta like about social distancing that you hope we keep doing after this is over?" Here are some of their answers.
"I like having my dog with me during the day."
"I like seeing more of my dad, since he normally works so much."
"I like that I never have to worry about forgetting my lunch."
I heard this one a lot: "The environment is a lot cleaner, and the air is less polluted, because people aren't driving as much. I hope we can keep doing that."
"I like being able to sleep in."
One student didn't answer, because he was doing backflips on his bed. I like that he can do backflips without distracting the whole class, lol!
"I like that I can have a snack whenever I want."
It just brings me joy to be with the kids during the day. I hope we can remember the importance of family, sleep, pets, and snacks when we get to return to school.
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