1- I am livid with the lies, the over reach, the public shaming for even questioning! I am fighting mad and am shocked to my very core that more folks aren’t...
2- if this is a test to see just what they can take without folks standing and shouting “WHY?” & “NO MORE!” I’d say we’ve failed miserably (myself included) and have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they can take what they want and will face little resistance.
3- At least the left is willing to risk protesting and arrest. The right uses the excuse we’d protest but we’re busy working...what’s the excuse now as we sit on our asses, afraid in our homes, six feet apart, snitching on the neighbor who’s in toy aisle Target while they deny...
4- us our God given rights from assembly, to worship to Second Amendment. Our founding fathers did more over tea and are crying somewhere in heaven at what terrified sheep we have become.
This New York...the ONLY other place I seen this is China.
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