Hey! Just to let you know "we are the virus" helps no one! Fun fact, its a part of the doctrine the Nazi "reasoning" to genocide millions of people!

Now some of you may mean that humans are to blame for environmental damage, and you are -drumroll- completely right. (1/14)
What the difference is is that ecofacism places the blames on the mere existence of humans, while the true cause is the unsustainable consumption and production practices humans carry out. Like it or not, this is a staple of the current zeitgeist of capitalism.
The reason there is a noticeable difference in some environments is that the over-usage of land and resources has allowed the environment to return to its natural equilibrium, its normal. For some areas the change is so drastic because the practices we use are so drastic.
Saying "we are the virus" enforces the idea that humans are worth less than everything else in nature, when in fact we have an *equal right* to be here. It could be said that the "we are the virus" idea is a slingshot reaction to humanity assuming its better than everything
I'm making this thread because its pissing me off: the fact that some people think my family, my friends, *deserve* to die, when in fact the reasons these environments have been damaged is due to the practices of corporations knowingly making decisions, uncaring of consequences.
It *is* because of capitalism. It *is* because of corporations having the ability to use governments to acquire more lenient laws, to exponentially increase production and decrease costs. The people are not to blame for the mass consumption of the environment. But we are guilty.
We are guilty of being the demand to this supply. We are guilty of not doing our homework and putting our money where our mouths are. We are guilty of turning our eyes and looking away from the people and the places being destroyed so that we may live comfortably.
In a world where we have the world at our fingertips, we choose to not see the people already dying, the places already destroyed. The virus didn't show us we were the problem, it should show us that we chose to close our eyes to the death and decay we were already seeing
It showed us that these corporations, this unsustainable cycle, can be stopped. Corporations cut production out of fear of pandemic, and people notice how changed the environment is, for the better. But the amount of people who will assume it has to be temporary makes me livid.
People shouldn't die to make the world better! People just have to realize there is more than one way to produce! We deserve to be here, but not at the expense of everything else! It took a pandemic!! To show us that if we stop letting ourselves be used we could heal!
The monetary gain that corporations make, off of the back of underpaid, overworked people, with no regards to consequences, is completely temporary. But they don't care. They care that the downward spiral system they perpetuate works in their favor. And that's it.
"We are the virus" does nothing but give a pass to the people at the top of the chain, making the decisions that ruin the world we live in. It fools you into believing that the people in power aren't to blame, but mere human existence is. It's just another form of denial.
As the pandemic wanes, people won't collect in droves. People won't flock to the phones of officials. People will resume their lives as it was months ago. I plead you, don't just resume the consumption of unsustainable harm, willingly blind to the suffering. It costs too much.
Remember what it was like. Remember the lack of smog, the clear waters. Remember how beautiful it was. Go back into your lives and do your homework. And step up to the plate, ready to play ball with those who take advantage of you. We have so little time left.
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