First time really using (and publishing via) Chocolatey. I really thought this was supposed to be the bee's knees but it's quite confusing. A thread.
We published EarTrumpet to Chocolatey after much pressure.

We're in some weird limbo state I think. Our package isn't approved, so [choco install eartrumpet] fails. We are pending automated review but we're all green. And users can download the packages with --version= ?!
Shout out to the team for making the website extremely difficult for first time authors. The signup/login links are sub-heading elements on the packages page!
The training course material looks like Microsoft Learn. But here you feel like you're wasting your time with cutesy bullshit (see Question 1).
Another example if you feel I'm nitpicking. I haven't examined all the material, but initial impressions folks.
Anyway, I can look past all that. It obviously works, and must be easy enough to learn. So back to our package. I want to make it visible.
I hover over the pencil. My heart races. I just went through an ordeal with Windows wiping my firewall rules without confirmation. WHAT WILL THIS PENCIL DO?
Sike! You can't do anything with this package because it hasn't been approved silly. Maybe I should've finished the Chocolatey training courses, my bad. 😐
Anyway, this story -- while not complete -- pauses on a happy note. Chocolatey has great support unlike the Microsoft Store. e.g. @DavidRGardiner was kind enough to help us when a customer uploaded (their own) package and we had to hit the brakes on that.
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