1. This is just a little late night note from me to say THANK YOU to everyone who has just discovered us; to everyone who has placed an order; and to everyone who has called or emailed asking if we are OK.
2. It literally took 12 hours to clean out today's inbox, so, TL;DR: we're okay. Our landlords are paid up, the staff are paid, & publishers are getting paid in full, albeit a little more slowly than some might prefer. We will be fine, & all our creditors will be, too.
3. We have 2 delivery drivers working full time, & are looking to add a third. If you have a car and some spare time, please drop a resume & availability to [email protected].
4. Many friends of ours own or operate micro-businesses. The Rona is hard for them, likely harder than it will be for us. Have a favorite 1- or 2- person operation? Buy something online, buy a gift certificate, or drop them a line so they - as the kids say - are seen.
5. & this is weirdly personal - can I ask a favor of you, constant reader? Be kind. The world is so full of anger & stress & uncertainty & hatred right now that more is not needed.
6. Lots of emails asking how we can be "supported." We will be fine. Look for people who are not fine, in your own social circle(s). Ask what you can do for them. Then do something they asked for, not something you imagined. Show them, by your actions, that they are seen.
7. "Within the reach of one's arm." You are not required to do everything, but you must do something. This is what's meant by the word "community."
8. Count me among those who believe that this late-capitalist world must change. Its current incarnation is unsustainable. As Roy says in her great recent essay, this plague is a door that individual decisions, backed by intelligence & empathy, will help us walk through. /fin
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